We want to share a short update about two project partners, Entra Energy and Energo-Pro, who are busy preparing the activities of the Bulgarian demo case.
News Articles
Strategies for increased flexibility in the electricity grid
FlexiGrid has studied which barriers DSOs face and which strategies can be used to create the conditions for more innovation.
FlexiGrid brings opportunities to the Bulgarian energy market
Verzhinia Ivanova from Entra Energy’s bachelor thesis ‘New opportunities on energy markets by the example of FlexiGrid’.
Consortia meeting in Sion
The FlexiGrid partner HES-SO University hosted the consortia meeting in Sion, Switzerland in December 2022. Focus of the meeting, as the project is...
Towards more flexibility in future electricity markets
Local electricity markets where you get paid to be flexible is one way of contributing to solving the energy challenges of the future.The increased...
Flexibility and Energy Management part of solving Europe’s energy crisis
There will be 1 million electric vehicles on Turkey's roads by 2030, and studies show that electricity demand by 2030 will be met if the policies...
Video: Flexibility in the Swiss alps
Watch researcher Jessen Page, HES-SO, explain how his group develops flexibility services for the local grid owner.
FlexiGrid presented at the PSCC 2022 conference
Local flexibility services reduce the transmission system’s operation and investment costs even in the absence of TSO-DSO coordination, as long as local flexibility was procured by the DSOs to reduce the peak power cost of their distribution grids.
A typical flexibility service procurement deal
Energo-Pro, one of the three biggest DSOs in Bulgaria, will be choosing around 20 participants producers, prosumers and consumers, connected to its network. We have listed the typical stages of a flexibility deal.