Demo Area 3

market with blockchain-based, smart contract and smart billing.
This will be achieved by:
- Enhancing a prototype for flexibility market with blockchain-based, smart contract and smart billing
- Demonstrating DSO procurement for flexibility at different demo sites
- Validation of the demonstration
The sites are located in Bulgaria, Switzerland and Turkey
Energypolis is an academic campus shared by the HES-SO and the EPFL located in the city of Sion, Switzerland. Three buildings, currently being built, will be enhanced by an energy production, conversion and storage infrastructure devoted to applied research on the topic of multi-energy urban systems. This will include solar panels (400kWp), battery storage, flexible electric vehicle charging, power-to-heat (heat pumps) and power-to-gas (conversion of PV electricity production into hydrogen and methane) facilities, fuel cells and an advanced building automation system for monitoring and control. This infrastructure will be used in partnership with the local DSO (OIKEN) as one of the project’s pilot sites, in particular for the provision of electrical flexibility.
P2P market platform, with smart contract and smart billing based on block-chain technology
In this demo area, HES-SO will use the P2P market platform developed by SIMAVI to exchange and sell energy locally between two of its three buildings (those equipped with PV panels and the greatest energy consumption), based on each of their surplus production of PV electricity. This set-up will allow to optimize and standardize the energy exchange between the two buildings as well as to test the P2P market platform on such as small neighborhood and assess its scaling-up to larger neighborhoods.
OEDAS is one of the biggest Distribution Companies with 1.7 million customers and 6.1 B TWh distributed energy in Turkey. OEDAS is responsible for distribution activities of 5 different cities in Turkey. OEDAS central office is located in Eskisehir with variety of network structures, customer types, and customer energy consumption profiles. For now, while 800 MW average consumption power, 600 MW installed RES on distribution level and 2 GW more RES is expected to be connected in 2-3 years which of their call letters have already been accepted. RES increase rate is faster when compared with EVSE, Storage, Power-to-X equipment because of government policy, steering green energy etc. On the other hand, RES (except for roof top PV) generally establish in rural areas whereas, energy consuming equipments are, such as EVSE, power to X etc., mostly established in city center. Therefore, there is a need for smart platforms with blockchain, IOT, and market mechanism for flexibility. IOT, blockchain and market mechanism. In this demo site, OEDAS will be focusing on demonstration flexibility while providing electricity grid services with local energy storage, EV, IOT and market mechanism. Defined test scenarios will be run and system will be monitored.
As part of the FlexiGrid project, the Bulgarian DSO Energo-Pro’s aim is to test and validate the concept of smart gird flexibility by demonstrating a DSO-consumer flexibility market platform. In its final form, the Demo case will allow the DSO to procure flexibility services from consumers and producers with the goal to manage DSO grid stability. The DSO flexibility platform will consist of:
- IoT-enabled information systems to secure information flow in real-time regarding customer status and performance at the interconnection point/measurement.
- Blockchain-based flexibility market platform that would enable DSO to identify needs and participants to place bids on services related to these needs, after which the system will automatically clear the tender (select the best deal) and the transaction would be recorded via smart contract. All of this would be recorded in the blockchain so the delivery track would be available at any time.
The current stage of development is:
- Clarifying the business environment, energy sector trends, and future scenarios, barriers and challenges for the DSO till 2035
- Progressing with the Business case definition
- Technical requirements clarification and system development soon expected to be started