Demo Area 4

This demo, Demo Area 4, focuses on grid services provided by local energy resources including V2G, P2G, battery storage and EV Charger.
- Setting-up technical requirements and flexibility market arrangements for this case.
- Enhancing resilience of network with Energy Storage, Mobile Application, EV, V2G, P2G.
- Demonstrating DSO application for flexibility at specified area.
- Validation of the demonstration
The sites are located in Switzerland and Turkey.
OEDAS is one of the biggest Distribution Companies with 1.7 million customers and 6.1 B TWh distributed energy in Turkey. OEDAS is responsible for distribution activities of 5 different cities in Turkey. OEDAS central office is located in Eskisehir with variety of network structures, customer types, and customer energy consumption profiles .For now, while 800 MW average consumption power, 600 MW installed RES on distribution level and 2 GW more RES will be expected to be connected in 2-3 years which of their call letters have already been accepted. RES increase rate is faster when compared with EVSE, Storage, Power-to-X equipment because of government policy, steering green energy etc. On the other hand, RES (except for roof top PV) generally established in rural areas whereas, energy consuming equipments such as EVSE, power to X etc., mostly establish in city center. Therefore, some voltage and congestion problems occur. The congestion and voltage problems should be managed locally in order to be effective. Demonstrate flexibility measures and electricity grid services provided by battery storage and electric vehicles. The demonstration will be also focused on SCADA control capability with IoT and market structure, like enhancing the renewable integration by coordinating energy uses and local renewable energy production while improving the grid resilience. Therefore the real time control of integrated equipment’s will be demonstrated.
System response speed while EV Charger platform manage EV User and smart billing systems, measure automation and accuracy level. Demonstration of Demand Side Management; EV drivers will be steered most suitable EVSE location in order to make grid resilience within market mechanism and last but not least V2G will also be demonstrated.
Energypolis is an academic campus shared by the HES-SO and the EPFL located in the city of Sion, Switzerland. Three buildings, currently being built, will be enhanced by an energy production, conversion and storage infrastructure devoted to applied research on the topic of multi-energy urban systems. This will include solar panels (400kWp), battery storage, flexible electric vehicle charging, power-to-heat (heat pumps) and power-to-gas (conversion of PV electricity production into hydrogen and methane) facilities, fuel cells and an advanced building automation system for monitoring and control. This infrastructure will be used in partnership with the local DSO (OIKEN) as one of the project’s pilot sites, in particular for the provision of electrical flexibility.
Flexibility measures and electricity grid services provided by local energy storage, P2G and EVs and distributed RES
In this demo area, HES-SO will demonstrate its ability to offer flexibility to OIKEN for the balance market (i.e. the offering of flexibility to minimize the discrepancy between daily forecasts of extraction/injection into the transmission network and their real values). The HES-SO will reduce (auto-consumption or shift of consumption) or increase (storage) its load on the grid and thereby provide positive and negative flexibility to OIKEN when needed. The flexibility offer will most probably be based on the exchange of traces (electrical load profiles). In order to achieve this, the HES-SO will need to develop accurate models for its model predictive control algorithms as well as establish a communication platform for the communication with OIKEN (IoT or other).