On the 26th of January, Verzhinia Ivanova from Entra Energy, partner in FlexiGrid project, successfully defended in front of a commission and small audience her bachelor thesis on the subject of ‘New opportunities on energy markets by the example of FlexiGrid’.
The introductory part goes into detail on why energy is a relevant and significant topic for society today, which can be seen in a glance in the picture above, part of the presentation of the thesis.
The energy sector’s transformation
The second part – Theoretical framework, introduces the energy sector, the transformation that it’s going through and the main drivers of this transition (decentralization, decarbonization and digitalization). It continues by explaining flexibility services (deliberate deviation from usual pattern of behaviour due to certain market signals and incentives) as well as what flexibility markets are and how they are currently designed in EU. Different market models are explained (P2P, P2Pool, adaptive market schemes) and different and newly emerging market players are introduced.
A detailed overview of FlexiGrid, its objectives, demo areas and use cases comes within the context of the Theoretical framework. Barriers, regulatory framework and possible risks are also examined. The thesis finishes with conclusions, predictions and recommendations on how the new opportunities that FlexiGrid provides can be implemented in the Bulgarian market as well as in Europe.
The thesis received high praise and quite positive reviews, gathering interest and questions on what FlexiGrid does as well as how it could be implemented in the context of the Bulgarian electricity market. The thesis examines how energy markets in Bulgaria work and what opportunities FlexiGrid brings on the table. The 70 pages paper is divided into four parts of content.