Local flexibility services reduce the transmission system’s operation and investment costs even in the absence of TSO-DSO coordination, as long as local flexibility was procured by the DSOs to reduce the peak power cost of their distribution grids.
Chalmers Articles
FlexiGrid’s Swedish demo site
This spring we started the demonstration phase at FlexiGrid’s demo site at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. The site is owned by Akademiska Hus and developed by them in collaboration with Chalmers. In the video Chalmers researcher David Steen gives an update.
Buildings provide flexibility at Akademiska Hus pilot-site, Sweden
With an increasing demand for electricity, flexibility services become an important part of the green transition towards fossil-free energy....
Akademiska Hus’ buildings bring flexibility to the fossil-free energy system
As part of the EU-project FlexiGrid, new ways of implementing flexibility technology are currently being tested at Campus Johanneberg in Gothenburg, Sweden. Its area and infrastructure have all the properties of a small city, says Per Löveryd, at Akademiska Hus.
FlexiGrid at ISGAN
FlexiGrid had the opportunity to present the project and collaboration with the Canadian smart grid project NESTNet to ISGAN, the International...